
Ocean rowing

Looking for a new adventure that’ll transport you far out of your comfort zone? Want to really get away from it all? Look no further than Essex firm Rannoch Adventure, an expert in ocean rowing – a sport that’s fast-growing in popularity.

Based in Burnham-on-Crouch, Rannoch Adventure is run by rowers, has access to the water 24/7 for training and is within close proximity to RYA-recognised schools for theory and other training courses. Founder and Director Charlie Pitcher’s background lies within professional sailing – he competed as a youngster in the America’s Cup and won the Admiral’s Cup twice, before, in 2009, single-handedly beating all other solo and pairs boats to win the Woodvale Challenge Atlantic Rowing Race. This feat was surpassed in 2013 when he broke the world record for the fastest unassisted solo row across the Atlantic by almost six days. Both crossings were completed in Rannoch designs.
Keen to share their passion for ocean rowing with others, Charlie and his team offer a variety of rowing experiences and expeditions, including an Atlantic charity crossing in 2022.

Those considering just dipping their toes in the water first could, alternatively, book a one-day rowing experience – during the morning, you will learn how to handle and set up a rowing boat, the fundamentals of safety on board, and basic rowing skills, then you’ll enjoy an afternoon session exploring the River Crouch. For anyone who has rowed before and wants to try out an ocean boat, the one-day ocean rowing experience day typically involves two eight-mile rows under the supervision of a qualified Rannoch Coach. Corporate days and mini adventures are also available. 

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